With measure and purpose
The carpentry workshop in Olbersdorf is a licensed socio-economic company of the Grüner Kreis association. With the most modern equipment, the workshop is available for customised production of all kinds for indoors and outdoors, and offers DIY enthusiasts in particular the cutting of boards and gluing of borders, although naturally a wide range of the necessary boards, fittings, handles and drawer guides etc. can be obtained from the workshop.
Under the guidance of an experienced master cabinetmaker, three journeyman/woman carpenters and interested clients are currently working in the workshops. Carpentry is a sought-after field of work for former clients, combining customised production and joinery services with social commitment.
Our Bee Houses
We manufacture professional and high-quality bee houses, accessories and equipment.
Gewerbestraße 2
2842 Thomasberg
Johnsdorf Carpentry Workshop
Styrian oak
The Johnsdorf social welfare institution in Styria runs a licensed carpentry business with the most modern technical equipment. Led by an experienced cabinetmaker, clients are familiarised with woodworking and produce work for their own homes but also for external customers.
Johnsdorf 1
8350 Fehring
Tischlerei Johnsdorf
Steirische Eiche
Die Sozialhilfeeinrichtung Johnsdorf in der Steiermark führt einen konzessionierten Tischlereibetrieb mit modernster technischer Ausstattung. Unter der Anleitung eines erfahrenen Tischlermeisters werden Klient*innen mit der Holzverarbeitung vertraut gemacht und verrichten Arbeiten für externe Kund*innen und das eigene Haus.
Zu den Aufträgen der Tischlerei zählen Holzwerkstoff-Projekte wie Möbel, Einrichtungen und Geländer sowie künstlerische Arbeiten in denen sich unsere Klient*innen kreativ entfalten können. Wir fertigen laufend Werkstücke wie Tische, Bänke, Hochbeete, Türen oder Tore an.
In enger Zusammenarbeit mit unserer Schlosserei am selben Standort, bieten wir Ihnen Projekte aus einer Hand.
Johnsdorf 1
8350 Fehring

Nico Ponstingl
Metal processing and machining
In addition to a carpentry shop, there is also a locksmith's shop on the grounds of the Johnsdorf social welfare facility. Clients are familiarized with metal processing under the professional guidance of our master locksmith. In addition, handicraft metal objects and products are made for customers, such as:
- Railing,
- Stairs,
- Tables,
- Doors,
- Fire bowls,
- Rose arches,
- artistic-creative products,
- and everything a metalworker's heart desires.
We offer professional, high-quality locksmith work as well as individual solutions for your project. We are at your disposal for advice and cost estimates.
Johnsdorf 1
8350 Fehring