

The path to preventing addiction
Prevention of addiction is a particular concern of the Grüner Kreis. The department for addiction prevention develops individually tailored, preventative concepts for public and private companies, in order to help where the preliminary stage of the path to addiction can be averted.

We offer Lectures, Seminars, Workshops

Prevention in Companies

Many companies wish to support members of staff who have an addiction problem. Colleagues or superiors often have feelings of powerlessness and helplessness in dealing with those affected..

We help and support
We devise addiction-prevention measures to sensitise staff and show strategies for a constructive approach to addiction problems. The repertoire in this area is diverse and individual at the same time, adjusted to the difficulties and requirements of the respective company and its staff.

A solution with the right “tool”
Our work-related addiction prevention helps to get learning processes going. It aims to sharpen perception in order to facilitate early recognition of the risks of illness, and to assist in developing meaningful internal company solutions. Against this background, the acquisition of knowledge and competence for action, the training of apprentices, members of staff and managers are decisive measures.
Here it concerts providing the necessary “tools” for the correct approach to people as the occasion demands, for the consistent offer of assistance and for an improvement in management behaviour..

Prevention in Schools

Supporting and relieving
At school children and young people frequently go through critical development phases. Addiction prevention at school can help support young people, ease burdens and put them in a position to react skilfully to crisis situations and to avoid addiction-promoting behaviour..

Strengthening life skills and action competence
Addiction prevention has to be as complex as the development of an addiction. It is a question of giving children and young people strength, of sensitising them and putting them in a position to recognise the opportunities and dangers in life. This means that addiction prevention at school does not aim primarily to provide information about legal or illegal drugs or addictive behaviour, but to assist in strengthening and promoting children and young people’s life skills and action competence.

Addiction prevention takes place in daily interaction with one another. An important factor is the involvement of everyone – school students, parents, teachers, head teachers, school doctors and school psychologists

Our methods and strategies
There are the most diverse methods and strategies for meaningful prevention. They range from lectures, workshops and seminars to long-term projects intended to facilitate active and playful analysis of this subject. We are happy to draw up individual programmes for addiction-prevention in schools.